About Us
St. Wilfred’s High School and Junior College
St. Wilfred’s High School and Junior College Established in 2001. At St. Wilfred’s Mumbai, there is a belief that every student can achieve excellence in an atmosphere that is both encouraging and challenging. We strive to provide holistic growth along with the efficiency and vibrancy of an experienced teaching staff. The school is child-centered and provides a child friendly ambiance.
St. Wilfred’s High School and Junior College, Mumbai is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, India.

Improve learning environment including library, laboratories classrooms and other facilities.
- Upgrading skills of faculty and supporting staff through training.
- Compliance with curriculum and regulatory requirements and completion of syllabus in time.
- Enhance practical skills and knowledge of student in accordance with the needs.
- Provide holistic development.
- Regulatory body (STATE BOARD OF MAHARASHTRA) audits
- No. of students getting admission in reputed institutions of higher learning
Student feedback
- No. of training programmes organized.
- No. of external programmes attended.
- No. of personnel trained
Internal quality audits
- Monitoring course coverage against timetable and syllabus
- Regulatory body (STATE BOARD OF MAHARASHTRA) audits
Quality of input during admission
- Pass percentage, minimum average and maximum marks
- No. of awards in non-academic activities.
Schools today are no longer mere centers of spreading literacy – if a school today encompasses a much wider horizon they are facilitators in the important process of personal growth and development of an individual as a resourceful member of the society.
“Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on mind.” – Plato
What according to you is the importance of education – scoring high marks? Certificate acquisition? Honing the skills of rote learning to spew out the crammed information effortlessly?
Unfortunately this is the sole purpose of education being marketed by our system today. Education has to serve the means to open the mind. It has to teach us how to think rather than telling us what to think. This is what we aim to do at The St. Wilfred’s School – implant a seed of inquisitiveness, cultivate a love of learning and groom the child to become an independent thinker and a visionary leader. Effective learning involves creating and solving our own errors. I want our children to go ahead, stretch out enthusiastically to test their limitlessness, not to fear committing mistakes nor fear encountering failures, for these should be used as stepping stones to move ahead towards fulfillment of their dreams and aspirations.
Our children need to be guided to learn to think, reason, analyse and not follow blindly. Combine the learning with actions, let unavoidable errors impel them to seek greater understanding. Teachers, parents and guardians need to work together to give our children a platform from which they may learn to open their wings and soar up confidently towards success.